The Problem With Baby Acne
A mistaken belief exists which says that acne is only an issue for teenagers. This is not correct. The problem with baby acne - which strikes quite a few babies - is that parents tend to be completely baffled by it. That doesn't have to be the case, after all. And taking the time to gain a bit of knowledge about it could help you manage your own baby's bout with acne in fine fashion.
Acne as a medical condition is generally due to inflammation in the skin's sebaceous glands. These glands supply needed oils, which keep the skin from drying up and becoming irritated. Acne occurs, though, when the glands are excessively active and inflamed or irritated. That's when you see the characteristic pimple, which is the main outward sign of hyperactive sebaceous glands.
Parents of babies, many of whom think acne can only be a condition of teenagers or young adults, mistake classic acne for something more serious or even just a typical skin rash. Because of this, they overreact completely or - at the other end of the spectrum -- don't tend to take the relatively simple steps needed to see their babies through a bout of baby acne.
Normally, this sort of acne in a baby evidences itself through a number of small red bumps, usually on the face. Doctors believe this sort of acne makes its appearance when the child is producing the largest amounts of gas in its little body. Because it's making gas, it also tends to be really fussy. Added all together, you have a recipe for sleepless parental nights!
Usually baby acne shows up around three or four weeks of age. There'll be a large number of red or fleshy bumps on the facial regions, such as the cheeks and the forehead. Parents are inevitably freaked out by this and immediately set off for the local hospital emergency room. Or they tend to dismiss it as just another rash and don't bother to give their child any sort of assistance whatsoever.
Treatment for baby acne is pretty straightforward. You can wash the affected area once daily with plain old water and maybe gentle baby soap. When the baby's skin becomes hot or sweaty, at least in the first four to six months of a baby's life, you can expect to maybe see an outbreak or two of this kind of acne.
Also, if a baby is suffering from acne, any sort of clothing he or she is wearing that's been washed in regular laundry detergent may help aggravate the condition. And take care to wipe the baby's face clean with water and a smooth cloth every time it becomes wet with baby saliva or any milk he or she may have burped back up. Both these substances can irritate or prolong the acne already present.
By taking the time to become just a more well informed about what baby acne really is, parents can help shepherd their children through a bout of two of this skin condition. Always use gentle soaps on a baby's delicate skin, and keep the skin cool whenever he or she starts to become hot or sweaty. In that way, you'll help to prevent any possibility of skin eruptions up on the cheeks, chin or forehead.